The Hill Law Firm

who we are

“We need, in every community, a group of angelic troublemakers.” – Bayard Rustin

Attorney Tasha A. Hill

Tasha A. Hill


Tasha A. Hill is a civil rights attorney. Tasha’s practice focuses on litigation, legal advocacy, public education, and policy advocacy concerning the problems encountered by LGBTIQ+ people in the criminal legal system. This includes work with California police and county sheriff’s departments to reduce discriminatory profiling of LGBTIQ+ people as well as discriminatory conditions of confinement for LGBTIQ+ people in immigration detention, county jails, and state prisons. Tasha also provides “Know Your Rights” training for at-risk LGBTIQ+ people, including youth, transgender women, people of color, and gay men. 

Tasha has successfully litigated many cases on behalf of LGBTIQ+ individuals, including civil rights cases, restraining orders, and criminal defense. For example, Tasha helped a woman incarcerated in the Los Angeles County Men’s Central Jail achieve a settlement against the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department for discrimination based her gender identity. Tasha has also served as an expert witness for LGBTIQ+ persons involved in the criminal legal system.

Tasha brings substantial professional advocacy experience to her work with LGBTIQ+ populations, having served for over a decade in deputy and executive director positions for LGBTIQ+ organizations in Las Vegas, Colorado Springs, and Washington, D.C.

Prior to founding her firm, Tasha worked for the U.S. District Court, District of Nevada, as a law clerk screening inmate civil rights cases. In 2015-2017, Tasha was a Berkeley Law Foundation Fellow, working at the ACLU of Southern California as an LGBTQ Rights Staff Attorney. Prior to her fellowship, Tasha clerked for the Honorable Douglas F. McCormick of the U.S. District Court, Central District of California.

Tasha’s pronouns are She/Her/Hers.​




Tasha developed and taught a course at the University of California, Irvine, School of Law, entitled: Disparate LGBTQI Criminalization and Incarceration. Tasha also served as a Guest Lecturer at UCLA School of Law, “HIV Law and Policy” course, Disparate Criminalization and Incarceration of HIV Infected/Affected Persons, in Spring 2019 and 2020.




UCLA School of Law
Juris Doctor, 2014

University Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV)
M.Ed., Instructional and Curricular Studies;
B.S., Biological Sciences


  • A Federal Attack on LGBTQ2 Rights by Targeting Incarcerated Transgender Women, The ABA Equalizer, Vol.3 No.1 (Winter 2019)

  • End Law Enforcement Violence Against Trans Women, The Hill (Feb 8, 2016)

  • Inmates’ Need for Federally Funded Lawyers: How the Prison Litigation Reform Act, Casey, and Iqbal Combine With Implicit Bias to Eviscerate Inmate Civil Rights, 62 UCLA L. Rev. 176 (2015)

  • Transgender Military Inmates’ Legal and Constitutional Rights to Medical Care in Prisons: Serious Medical Need Versus Military Necessity, 39 Vermont L. Rev. 411 (2014)

  • Sexual Abuse in California Prisons: How the California Rape Shield Fails the Most Vulnerable Populations, 21 UCLA Women’s L.J. 89 (2014)

Activities & Affiliations

  • Pro Bono work on behalf of the Williams Institute

  • Pro Bono work on behalf of the National Lawyers Guild and representation of persons arrested while protesting police violence.

  • Pro Bono work on behalf of transgender persons needing assistance in name and gender change petitions.

  • Former Board Member, Pro Bono Committee Co-Chair: LGBT Bar Association of Los Angeles 

  • Member, National Lawyers Guild of Los Angeles, National Police Accountability Project, National LGBT Bar Association


  • National Lawyers Guild “Youth+LGBTQ Protestor Rights,” October 2020.

  • UCLA School of Law, Liberation Lawyering 2019: “Envisioning a World Without Prisons and Police,” March 2019 

  • UC Irvine School of Law's Symposium: “Trans* Lives and Rights: Contemporary Legal and Policy Battles” (discussing criminalization and incarceration of transgender persons), March 2018 

  • National Association of Civilian Police Oversight Conference (discussing “Safeguarding the LGBTQI Community”), September 2017

  • Equality California - Fair Share for Equality, “The LGBTQ Experience and the Criminal Justice System,” February 2017

  • Stanford Law School, Shaking the Foundations Progressive Lawyering Conference: Legal Discrimination Against and Abuse of Incarcerated Transgender Persons, October, 2016



Let’s Chat

We at The Hill Law Firm know that finding the right attorney to represent you is a choice not to be taken lightly. That’s why we offer free consultations to walk you through your needs, the scope of your goals, and your budget. Please make sure to give us an email address.

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